Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Vanderbilt University student slain in Israel was Army vet

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — A West Point graduate who served tours of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan was the Vanderbilt University student stabbed to death during a series of attacks in Israel, officials said.
Taylor Force, a 28-year-old MBA student, died during a school-sponsored trip to learn about startup companies overseas. Vanderbilt Chancellor Nicholas Zeppos, in a letter notifying students, faculty and staff, called the incident a "horrific act of violence" but provided no details.
A dozen Israelis, civilians and police officers, also were wounded in the knife and gun attacks that authorities in Tel Aviv said were carried out by Palestinians.
Along with the Jaffa attacker, three other Palestinian assailants were shot and killed in the day's rash of violence, the latest in a wave of near-daily Palestinian assaults on Israeli civilians and security forces that erupted in mid-September.
Force graduated from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point and served in the Army from 2009 to 2014, according to his LinkedIn page. He had been based at Fort Hood, Texas, as a platoon leader and fire support officer, among other duties.
Stuart Force, Taylor's father, spoke briefly with The Associated Press by phone.
"He was a great kid," he said before he received a call from family and ended the conversation.
Force went to high school at New Mexico Military Institute and was an Eagle Scout, according to the LinkedIn page. At West Point, Force was a member of the ski team and received a bachelor's degree in engineering and industrial management.
Zeppos said in his letter that the other 28 students and four Vanderbilt staffers on the trip were safe. The university is arranging for their return to the United States.
"This horrific act of violence has robbed our Vanderbilt family of a young hopeful life and all of the bright promise that he held for bettering our greater world," Zeppos wrote.
He said university resources are being made available for students, faculty and staff who may seek counseling.

To all my peoples.

Visit Israel to support them event though Asian Government announced to boycott Israel product and soon from out beloved country.

I realized how minorities live among majorities, I live in Indonesia since I was born and I can imagine how Israeli life right now without any support. All Indonesian Christian did their best to visit Israel to support them to fight terror in their land.

Lets Support Israel, do not boycott their product, do your best. It started from your self. We has nothing to do with Palestinian, and soon, stand in the right part.

I do support Israel. God bless you Israel, fight for your land, and you will get it.

Stand with..........

We.....Indonesian... are......

My flag and your flag "brother" in God

We do support Israel in Indonesia

Orang Indonesia Berkunjung ke Israel Tidak Etis?

Kunjungan Tantowi Yahya yang diundang pemerintah Israel secara pribadi, akhir-akhir ini mengundang sejumlah perdebatan. Ketua Dewan Penasihat Ikatan Cendekiawan Muslim Indonesia (ICMI) Jimly Asshiddiqie menyebut Tantowi “mungkin kilaf” dan disebutnya tidak bisa membaca “sikap politik rakyat Indonesia.” Pernyataan ini lalu mengundang pertanyaan: etiskah orang Indonesia berkunjung ke Israel? Merujuk kata “kilaf” yang dilempar Jimmy memberikan makna bahwa Tantowi melakukan sebuah kesalahan atau kata kasarnya dosa. Dalam konteks ini, berbicara dan membuka diri komunikasi dengan Israel adalah sebuah kesalahan dan sebuah dosa, tidak peduli apapun alasannya, mau itu perdamaian lah atau apalah....pokoknya haram. Itu artinya Mesir, negara Muslim yang selama ini mengakomodasi perdamaian Israel-Palestina selama bertahun-tahun hanya “kilaf” saja. Jimmy juga menyebut bahwa kunjungannya bertentangan dengan “sikap politik rakyat Indonesia.” Aneh. Tidak ada yang namanya rakyat memiliki sikap politik. Yang ada hanya garis kebijakan politik. Garis kebijakan politik anti-Zionis dibuat oleh sekelompok orang di politik. Kalau ada rakyat yang setuju, itu keputusan pribadi. Mengapa? Karena masalah pro, anti –Zionis maupun netral bukan keputusan universal yang dipegang oleh seluruh rakyat Indonesia. Pernyataan ini artinya mempolitisir rakyat Indonesia secara universal. Banyak komentar di Kompas.com dan media online lainnya yang menyebut Tantowi atau orang yang mendukung perjalanan Tantowi sebagai “orang yang tidak tahu sejarah.” Dengan sopan saya akan bertanya “Which one?” Zionis version atau Palestine’s version? Berapa banyak sih dari kita sekarang yang lahir sebelum tahun 1948 dan tinggal disana? Setelah postingan ini, saya akan menulis ringkasan Israel/Palestina sebelum 1948 karena kebanyakan postingan mengenai Zionis baik yang pro maupun kontra, lebih berlandaskan pada akibat ketimbang sebab. Lebih bertuju pada faktor emosi yang membuat kita kesal, terenyuh, tapi jarang yang mengedukasi. Kalau Tantowi yang pejabat dan sudah menyebut bahwa perjalanannya itu undangan pribadi, masih dihujat, bagaimana dengan pejabat lain? Bagaimana kalau Ahok yang Kristen itu pergi ke Israel untuk ziarah? Kalau dulu katanya dibilang nerima dana dari Vatikan pas Pilkada DKI, maka kalau yang berbau Zionis, konspirasinya mungkin bisa lebih dahsyat lagi. Bagaimana dengan ribuan atau puluhan ribu rakyat Indonesia yang berziarah ke Israel atau hanya sekadar berlibur? Bayangkan devisa yang diterima pemerintah Israel? Apakah aksi “memperkaya Israel” ini disebut sebagai aksi mengkhianati bangsa? Ketika anggota DPR plesiran keluar dengan menggunakan uang rakyat, BK DPR kayaknya tidak sepanas ini. Tapi giliran yang berbau Zionis, barulah BK bertindak melakukan “apa yang seharusnya mereka lakukan” beberapa tahun belakangan. Denmark, Jerman, Australia....ah terlalu banyak. Tapi sekali lagi kita harus berterima kasih karena berkat Tantowi, kita melihat pendapat-pendapat imut dari berbagai pihak. Ketua FPI Habib Riziq misalkan meminta Tantowi dipecat karena sudah melukai perasaan umat Islam. ''Dia bodoh, buta dan tuli mengatakan Israel tidak memusuhi Islam. Untuk itu, kami meminta Badan Kehormatan (BK) DPR memecat mereka semua,'' ujarnya sepeti dikutip Republika. Kembali lagi ke soal etis, tidak etis. Saya mau share sedikit. Dalam perjalanan menuju Taba, perbatasan Mesir dan Israel, guide saya menceritakan hal yang menarik. Sebelum tahun 2003, Indonesia mengeluarkan semacam travel regulation yang menyatakan bahwa warga Indonesia tidak bisa pergi ke dua negara: 1. Portugal (You know why) 2. Israel. Namun hal tersebut dihilangkan oleh Presiden Abdurahman Wahid dan orang Indonesia yang mau ziarah atau liburan sejak saat itu tidak harus menumpang tur ke negara dekat (eg: Singapura). Wow, berarti sebelum tahun 2003, kita sudah memperkaya bisnis travel di Singapura seberapa banyak? Yang membuat perjalanan ke Israel salah selama ini adalah persepsi kita yang salah mengenai status konflik Israel-Palestina. Penjajahan atau Perang Sipil? Nanti akan saya tuliskan di postingan selanjutnya yang membahas tentang Israel/Palestina sebelum 1948. Saya banyak membaca artikel Zionisme di Kompasiana, tapi sepertinya hampir tidak ada yang memberikan brief sejarah gerakan nasionalisme Yahudi dan Arab, jauh sebelum negara Israel dan Palestina berdiri.

sumber : http://www.kompasiana.com/anjohadi/orang-indonesia-berkunjung-ke-israel-tidak-etis_5520cb83a333115f4946ce35

Indonesian Support Israel...

Christians United for Israel Sunday is an opportunity for Christians around the world to unite in prayer and action in support of Israel.

This November the country will face what may well be the most pivotal election of our lifetime. We all know the stakes for our country, for Israel and for the world.  Yet too many Christians have allowed their disappointment with politicians and government to discourage them.  They no longer exercise their fundamental responsibility as citizens.  They don't vote.  

As pastors. we have a special responsibility to ensure that our congregants make their voices heard.  We need to do everything in our power to encourage them to go to the polls and to vote for candidates who share our principles.  This includes voting for candidates who are dedicated in word and deed to the State of Israel! 

This issue is so important that we decided to devote this year's CUFI Sunday to registering voters and encouraging them to go to the polls.  Our theme this year is simple and clear:  “We must vote… because we are Christians.”

On CUFI Sunday, May 15, we are asking you to:

1. Dedicate your sermon the importance of getting to the polls and voting for candidates who embrace Biblical principles.  We will provide you with sermon notes.

2. Hold a voter registration drive after your CUFI Sunday service. We will provide you with a voter registration event guide and are available to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have regarding this important initiative.

3. Ask your congregants to sign The Vote Israel- Defend America petition.
 If you are a pastor please fill out the information below to sign your church up for Christians United for Israel Sunday. If you are not a pastor please confirm with your pastor that your church will participate in Christians United for Israel Sunday and they have nominated you to serve as your church's designee for Christians United for Israel Sunday before filling out the information.

Click this link to register


WHY WE SUPPORT ISRAEL The reasons behind our actions

Christian support for the restoration of the Jews to their ancient homeland has been around for as long as Christians have been able to read the Bible for themselves.  For there they read about God’s covenant with Abraham in which He bequeathed to him and his descendants the land of Canaan.  And they read in the Hebrew prophets that although the children of Israel may be exiled from the land for a time, that one day God would regather them to the land one final time, and draw them and then the world unto Himself. 


Since much of Christian history is stained with the sin of antisemitism the modern movement of Christian support of Israel at first glance looks like a new movement, or aberration that will surely soon correct itself.  However, something happened over 500 years ago that changed the course of Christianity and prepared the way for this significant shift in attitude towards the Jewish people.  This event was the translation of the Bible into the vernacular language.
As soon as Christians could read the Bible for themselves they attempted to change the state church and make it more like the early church in the New Testament.  This in turn brought about great persecution and many had to flee their homes and countries.
They also became aware of the Hebraic roots of Christianity and began studying Hebrew, and the Jewish Feasts, and they identified with the persecuted people of Israel. They also read that God had promised to one day regather the Jewish people to their ancient homeland and they began praying for this to happen.  This means that for four hundred years before the state of Israel was established that whole movements of Christians were praying for that day.
As the number of Bible-believing Christians grew so did their influence and their involvement in the re-establishming of Israel.  It was Theodore Herzl, the father of modern Zionism, who first used the term Christian Zionist in recognizing Christian participants in the First Zionist Congress in 1897.

Indonesian president Joko Widodo calls for boycott of produce from Israel's Occupied Territories

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, right, talks to Saudi Arabia's Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir at the extraordinary ...
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, right, talks to Saudi Arabia's Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir at the extraordinary Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) summit on Monday. Photo: AP
Jakarta:  Indonesian president Joko Widodo has called for the boycott of Israeli products produced in the Occupied Territories.
The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation called on the international community to support the "boycott of products produced in or by the illegal Israeli settlements" at a summit in Jakarta this week.
Sudan's President Omar al-Bashir leaves after a bilateral meeting with Indonesian President Joko Widodo on the sidelines ...
Sudan's President Omar al-Bashir leaves after a bilateral meeting with Indonesian President Joko Widodo on the sidelines of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) summit in Jakarta. Photo: AP
Under international law, Golan Heights and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, are considered to be occupied territories that are not part of the state of Israel. The call to support the boycott was one of 23 actions the OIC committed to in the Jakarta declaration. Mr Joko said the declaration was initiated by Indonesia and contained a concrete plan to bring about a solution to the Palestine issue. He said there was an urgency for the OIC to step up support for Palestine including by:
* Strengthening political support to revive the peace process
Indonesian President Joko Widodo, right, shakes hands with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas after delivering their ...
Indonesian President Joko Widodo, right, shakes hands with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas after delivering their closing remarks at the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) summit in Jakarta on Monday. Photo: AP
* Boycotting Israeli products produced in the Occupied Territories
* Increasing pressure on the UN Security council to provide international protection for Palestine and establish a deadline for the termination of Israeli occupation
* Firm rejection over the restriction of access to al-Aqsa Mosque in East Jerusalem, the third holiest site in Islam.   
"The struggle of the Palestinian people is our struggle," Mr Joko said in his closing statement. "God willing, we may witness the independence of Palestine in our lives."
Last year the European Union said exports from areas occupied by Israel must specify "settlement" on the label, rather than "Made in Israel".
The global Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) Movement, which calls for the end of Israel's occupation of Palestinian land, has grown in popularity after peace talks collapsed in 2014.
This year US president Barack Obama signed a bill opposing boycotts targeting the state of Israel, but said he would not extend those protections to businesses in Israeli-controlled territories.
However the UK is moving to ban publicly funded institutions, such as councils, from boycotting "unethical" businesses, including those operating in illegal Israeli settlements. And France's anti-discrimination laws mean that BDS activists can be convicted for inciting hatred.
The fifth extraordinary Islamic summit on Palestine and Al-Quds Al-Sharif (Jerusalem) was requested by Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas following violence in the Occupied Territories after access was restricted to al-Aqsa mosque.
Mr Joko - who made support for Palestine one of his foreign policy priorities during his election campaign - said Indonesia had agreed to host the event to express its full support for Palestine.
The summit was attended by delegates from 49 countries, members of the Middle East Quartet and permanent members of the UN Security Council.
Fahmi Salsabila, Secretary General of the Indonesian Society for Middle East Studies, said a boycott of products from the Occupied Territories would be effective if implemented.
"Even if, at the minimum, only OIC countries did that, it would have a serious impact on Israel's economy because OIC states have at least one billion people," he said. "And Israel's exports are one of its revenue sources. So I think it is such an extraordinary effort made by the OIC summit. But it will only be effective if it is implemented."
However Zuhairi Misrawi, from Islamic organisation Nahdlatul Ulama, said it would be difficult to implement because some OIC countries had diplomatic ties with Israel.  
"Secondly, Israel usually sells its products through third countries that it has diplomatic ties with. Indonesia, for instance, buys Israeli products through Singapore and Thailand. So my opinion is that OIC countries would be better to use diplomatic channels to solve the Israel-Palestine issue."
With Karuni Rompies


Ini Alasan PM Netanyahu Tolak Undangan Bertemu Obama di Gedung Putih

Yerusalem - Perdana Menteri (PM) Israel Benjamin Netanyahu mengakui dirinya menolak undangan untuk bertemu Presiden Amerika Serikat Barack Obama di Gedung Putih bulan ini. PM Netanyahu menyebut alasannya karena kampanye pemilu AS yang tengah memanas.

Dalam pernyataan yang dirilis kantor PM Netanyahu, seperti dilansirReuters, Selasa (8/3/2016), diungkapkan alasan yang mendasari penolakan dan pembatalan kunjungan PM Netanyahu ke Washington, AS pada bulan Maret ini. 

"Mengapresiasi kesediaan Obama untuk menemui saya," ucap PM Netanyahu dalam pernyataan yang dirilis kantornya.

"Namun saya memutuskan tidak mengunjungi Washington kali ini, di tengah memanasnya kampanye pemilihan awal di Amerika Serikat," imbuhnya.

Pada pemilu AS tahun 2012 lalu, PM Netanyahu mendukung capres Partai Republik Mitt Romney secara terang-terangan. Sumber politik Israel menyebut, kali ini PM Netanyahu tidak ingin memberikan kesan dirinya mendukung salah satu kandidat capres AS.

Baca juga: PM Netanyahu Tolak Undangan Bertemu Obama di Gedung Putih

Sebelumnya, Gedung Putih mengumumkan PM Netanyahu menolak undangan pertemuan dengan Obama pada 18 Maret mendatang. Penolakan ini kemudian dianggap sebagai babak baru ketegangan hubungan antara AS dengan Israel, usai perbedaan pendapat soal kesepakatan nuklir Iran.

Dalam keterangannya, juru bicara Gedung Putih menyebut Israel awalnya meminta jadwal pertemuan Netanyahu dengan Obama untuk tanggal 18 atau 19 Maret. Dua minggu lalu, otoritas AS pun menawarkan pertemuan pada 18 Maret kepada Israel. 

Namun belakangan, otoritas AS terkejut ketika mengetahui dari laporan media bahwa PM Netanyahu membatalkan kunjungan ke AS. Selain bertemu Obama, PM Netanyahu tadinya dijadwalkan menghadiri konferensi lobi pro-Israel AIPAC di AS pada 20 Maret mendatang. 

Dituturkan seorang pejabat senior Israel, seperti dilansir media setempatThe Times of Israel, akan ada banyak bakal capres AS yang berpidato dalam AIPAC dan ada kemungkinan mereka meminta bertemu PM Netanyahu. "Kami tidak ingin terlibat proses pemilu AS," ujar pejabat Israel yang enggan disebut namanya itu.

Hendak Tikam Polisi Israel, Wanita Palestina Tewas Ditembak

Yerusalem, - Seorang wanita Palestina mencoba menikam polisi-polisi Israel di Kota Tua, Yerusalem hari ini. Wanita itu kemudian tewas ditembak.

Kepolisian Israel mengatakan seperti dilansir kantor berita AFP, Selasa (8/3/2016), wanita tersebut bergerak mendekati para polisi perbatasan, lalu mengeluarkan sebilah pisau dari dalam tasnya. Dia kemudian mencoba menusuk para polisi itu di dekat Gerbang Damaskus, pintu masuk utama yang digunakan warga Palestina untuk masuk ke Kota Tua, Yerusalem.

Tidak disebutkan identitas wanita Palestina itu. Namun kepolisian Israel menyatakan, wanita itu berumur sekitar 50 tahun dan berasal dari wilayah Yerusalem timur.

Insiden ini terjadi beberapa jam sebelum kedatangan Wakil Presiden AS Joe Biden yang akan mengadakan pertemuan dengan Perdana Menteri (PM) Israel Benjamin Netanyahu dan Presiden Palestina Mahmud Abbas.

Gelombang kekerasan antara warga Palestina dan Israel telah terjadi sejak Oktober 2015 lalu. Sejauh ini, setidaknya 182 warga Palestina telah tewas ditembak aparat Israel. Kebanyakan warga Palestina tersebut ditembak mati saat mencoba atau usai melakukan aksi penikaman. Sebagian lainnya tewas ditembak saat menabrakkan mobil ataupun saat terjadi bentrokan antara warga Palestina dan aparat Israel.

Gelombang kekerasan tersebut juga telah menewaskan 28 warga Israel, seorang warga Amerika, seorang warga Sudan dan seorang warga Eritrea. Mereka tewas akibat aksi penikaman dan penabrakan mobil.


Tak Hanya Produk, OKI Juga Boikot Segala Kebijakan Israel

Jakarta - Presiden Joko Widodo menyerukan agar negara yang tergabung dalam Organisasi Kerja Sama Islam (OKI) memboikot semua produk Israel yang dibuat di tanah pendudukan. Menurut Jubir Presiden, Johan Budi, selain produk, Presiden juga menyerukan untuk memboikot segala kebijakan Israel terkait tanah pendudukan di Palestina.

"Jadi yang disampaikan Presiden kemarin itu boikot tidak hanya dalam bentuk barang, tapi juga kebijakan yang dibuat di tanah pendudukan, jadi produk dan kebijakan. Kan bahasanya boycott of products produce," kata Johan kepada detikcom, Selasa (8/3/2016).

Johan menegaskan, berdasarkan Deklarasi Jakarta yang disepakati dalam  KTT Luar Biasa OKI pada Senin (7/3), Presiden Jokowi menyerukan negara peserta OKI memberikan dukungan dalam bentuk boikot produk dan kebijakan Israel yang dibuat di tanah pendudukan. Hal tersebut sebagai bentuk dukungan OKI dalam usaha kemerdakaan Palestina.

"Jadi produk-produk Israel ya diboikot, bukan sekadar barang, tapi kebijakan. Kan ada itu kebijakan Israel terkait permukiman, pengungsi dan lain-lain, nah itu yang diboikot juga," jelas Johan.

"Indonesia kan sejak dulu juga tidak punya hubungan diplomatik dengan Israel," tegasnya.

Salah satu poin dalam Deklarasi Jakarta yang dihasilkan dalam KTT KLB OKI memang fokus untuk melakukan boikot terhadap Israel.

"Calling on the international community to support the boycott of products produce in or by the illegal Israeli settlements," begitu bunyi Deklarasi Jakarta yang membahas soal boikot produk Israel. 
